VolleyBall Game Rules & Famous Players
Volleyball game is a historical game that is being played from very ancient times in different countries including British and European and also equally popular in men and women.This game is also played at international levels and also in different Olympics including “RIO Olympics” & Commonwealth Games to inspire younger generation for this amazing and healthy game.Vollryball game rules and regulations will be discussed here and also more things to discuss include;
🔸Origin Of Volleyball Game
🔸Number Of Players In Each Team
🔸Most Famous Players In Men & Women Volleyball Teams
🔸Rules & Regulations For The Game
🔸Countries Include Volleyball At International Level
🔸Volleyball Video For Example
🔸Volleyball Game’s Control Board
🔸Kits/Uniforms Of Volleyball Players (Men & Women.
🔸Difference Between Men & Women Volleyball Games.
🔸Platforms/Institutions/Accademies To Practice Volleyball Game At International Level
🔸Volleyball Grounds Shapes & Qualities.
🔸Which Country Have Best Volleyball Team In The World?
🔸Top Men Volleyball Ranked Teams Internationally.
🔸Top Women Volleyball Ranked Teams Internationally.
So, all these things will be discussed here in this article to make you a sense about volleyball game if you are a beginner and are willing to play this awesome game.You can also get only a lot of knowledge about the game for different purposes.
1•Origin Of Volleyball.
If we talk about origin of volleyball game, it includes it’s â–¶Inventor
â–¶& organization
So, Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was designed as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of basketball too vigorous.
The thought came for a best indoor game in which people don’t have to run most and also not needed any big ground and place for playing volleyball game.It came true by a person mentioned above as he had taken the origin of volleyball from basketball which is also much like and related to volleyball in all aspects and was invented far before than volleyball.
So, you have known about the origin and invention details of volleyball game.Let’s move forward towards it’s other things.
2•Number Of Players In Each Volleyball Team.
Volleyball team is comprised of different number of players.Teams including multi-genders and single gender as well.A match is played by two teams of 6 players (3 men and 3 women, 4 men and 2 women or 4 women and 2 men). Teams playing with 4 players may play 2 men and 2 women.
But, if single genders are included then, only 6 men or 6 women are in a team during a volleyball match.These numbers are only included at international levels and also in olympics but, you are not bound to play with this number of players rather, you can play with 11 players as well.
So, it depends upon you to play with which number of players in a volleyball match.
3• Most Famous Players In Volleyball.
Now we are going to talk about most famous volleyball players across the world in men and women teams.These players are also top ranked in all time rankings of volleyball players that is continuously going by time.If we talk about these top players, they include;
Men Top Volleyball Players.
Ricardo Lucarelli SouzaLorenzo
BernardiSaeid MaroufIvan
ZaytsevSteve Timmons
Women Top Volleyball Players.
Kerri Walsh Jennings
Misty May-TreanorKim
Yeon-koungSheilla CastroSo,
these were top and all time best favourite players in volleyball those have best ever fan following through playing the game for years.

4• Rules & Regulations For A Volleyball Match.
Certain general rules are to follow during a volleyball match which you must have to pay head for playing a fowl free game.These games are described here one by one.
•1st rule is the net height that will be placed between 2 teams which are playing the volleyball match.This net’s height is about 4.5-5 feets and not more than that.Higher length’s net is not allowed and it’s width is also certain that is about 10 feets.
•2nd rule is placing the lines with plaster of paris on the ground and these lines are drawn behind the team players and also at left and right of the net.These lines play a certain role in scoring points.
•Certain Time is allotted for a match that consists of 2 halves.Teams will also change their sides after half time of the match, which is 15 minutes that means match is consists of 30 minutes time.
•Ball used is pushed or hit hard with both or one hand towards other team and they will also do so by avoiding the ball touching the net.If ball touches the net, the point will be given to opponent team.
•Similarly, if ball hitted crosses the lines drawn (horizontally and vertically) then point will also given to opponent team.
•At full time of the game, that team will win which have scored most number of points.If number of points is equal at full time, extra 1 or 2 minutes will be given for decider or both the teams will be given as winners.
•In olympics and international games, extra time is given to decide the match and make the position of team clear in the tournament.
So, these were some certain rules and regulations to follow in a volleyball match.
5• Volleyball Playing Nations.
Many countries are included in volleyball game who play this game at international level and at domestic level as well. These countries included;
All European Countries as well.
They used to play volleyball and compete for glory at different levels.
6•Board For Controlling Volleyball Game (FIVB).
Federal Internationale De Volleyball is the federation at international level that controls all kinds of rankings and also different tournaments for volleyball game.This federation also sets rules for volleyball and updates them according to conditions.It is also called FIVB.
7•Kits For Volleyball Game Players.
Simple kinds of kits are allotted for volleyball players.For men, these are shirts till shoulders and shorts.For women, shirts with half arms and shorts.Logos and sponsorships are allowed to all levels.
8•Institutions For Volleyball Training.
Many institutions are present worldwide for volleyball game training but 2 are most famous.
VOLLEYBALL ACADEMY. UMT Volleyball Academy is dedicated to teach the sport of volleyball to all athletes between 6-18 years of age.
Other is ROM CITY INSTITUTE that helps to train players for becoming professional athletes in volleyball game.Both the institutes demand an affordable fee and provide best services.
9•Difference Between Men & Women Volleyball Game.

There is no difference between a men and women volleyball game rather sometimes, men and women play in a single game.Rules and regulations are same for both genders as described above.
10•VolleyBall Ground Shapes & Qualities.
Volleyball grounds are simple like common grounds and also very short in size.These grounds could be of round and square shape with grass on land.
11•Country With Best Volleyball Team.
Many countries play volleyball game which are described above.These countries also compete for glory but if we talk about best volleyball team in the world, Argentina has the best team for volleyball in both men & women.
Here is the example video for a volleyball match which you can see to enjoy a match.
So, that was all from volleyball game’s rules and other features.Hopefully you have understood and don’t forget to share with friends.